Rabu, 02 November 2011

8-minute fitness program work?

Surely you've heard by now of the 8-minute fitness programs. The 8-minute programs of exercise are becoming quite popular, probably for a couple of reasons. First, everyone I know is short on time, so eight minutes can be worked in to the most rigorous of schedules. Second, most of us aren't big on formal exercise programs, which require a big chunk of time set aside, along with a duffel bag for our workout wear and time spent changing, followed by a shower. Sure, we all want to be fit and trim, but we don't like all the work and time involved in doing a gym style workout. We have more pressing obligations, right?

Well, I suppose it depends on how you look at it. In the short term perspective, you can easily rationalize your workout schedule away. You don't have the time – and in some cases, the inclination. However, taking the long term perspective, it's not so easy to justify. Months and years pass quickly. If you don't get into the habit of exercising regularly, you're bound to end up gaining weight, flab and a host of health problems you won't want. Here we present an 8-minute fitness program that's doable for anyone. In fact, in some cases, you can multi-task.

Now, the moniker is somewhat deceptive. An 8-minute fitness regime must be practiced at least four times each day, so that you fulfill your doctor's recommended minimum of 30 minutes of exercise each day, five days a week. However, the '8-minute' part is appealing in concept. You don't need an hour of driving, preparations, changing, etcetera to get the job done. Let's take a look at some of the ways you can be fit in virtually no time at all.

This 8-minute workout is a great one for women. If you're average, it probably takes you eight minutes to put your makeup on and complete your toiletries. While you're putting on your skin cream, applying eye shadow or mascara and lipstick, hold the arm you're not using straight out to your side, parallel with your shoulders. Rotate your arm in tiny circles. This will feel awkward at first, but you'll catch on quickly. Believe me, this also improves your coordination. OK. Do this for four minutes. If you haven't finished your makeup routine, do so now. When you're done, extend the opposite arm and continue, as you brush your hair. Your hair should be brushed for four minutes anyway, for a nice glossy look. One 8-minute fitness workout done, three to go.

This workout segment can be used by men and women alike. If you work a desk job, you already know this is an obstacle to a trim and fit look. Too much sitting tends to show up on the posterior and thighs. As you're working, lift both legs about four inches off the floor, clasped together and hold that position for two minutes, then relax. Now relax your chin and rotate your neck, slowly in a circular motion, for just two minutes. This helps keep you from acquiring an unattractive double chin and serves to relax you as well. Go back to the leg routine, using just one leg at a time – two minutes each. Aha! Two 8-minute fitness workouts down, two to go.

So far, your two workouts haven't even slowed you down. During your mid-morning break time, take a little walk. Bring a granola bar. (Just think, if your break is twenty minutes, you could exceed your entire day's exercise quota and be done with it. Tempting, eh?) However, all you need to do is the eight minutes.

What about lunch time? Hey, you can just sit down and eat your lunch if you like. You've only got one workout to go. You can easily and painlessly accomplish that after dinner, while doing the dishes. It's true. I don't like to waste time. On the other hand, you may want to devote 8 minutes of lunch hour to your health. Got some stairs handy? There you go. Great for the thighs, calves and cardiovascular system. It's funny, but there is an obsessive element to the 8-minute fitness concept. Eight minutes is so little, you'll find yourself looking for opportunities to get in another workout.

Now for the finale, the dish washing workout. It doesn't matter if you've got a dishwasher or not. If you do or don't, put some elbow grease into rinsing and or washing off the plates, glasses and cups. If you're stacking the dishes in a rack to dry, stand far enough away to have to stretch – but be careful! If you're loading the dishwasher, be dramatic. Hang on to the counter with one arm, as you raise one leg behind you, like a ballerina. Load that dish!

You've now completed all of your 8-minute fitness workouts for the day. Didn't hurt a bit, did it? In fact, if you used part of your lunch to squeeze in the 5th 8-minute fitness routines, you're 10 minutes ahead of the game for the week. Say, that means that by the end of a month, you'll have 860 minutes of exercise, a rousing 20% increase over what the doctor ordered!

Isn't the 8-minute fitness program wonderful?

Surviving on the 1000 calorie diet

Counting calories is a surefire way to lose weight. The question is, can you do so safely and indefinitely? The answer there is that it largely depends on the person, their body-type and their goals.

A 1000 calorie diet is suitable only for a small person who does not engage in strenuous physical activity. If a larger person, or a very active person, tried to survive on a 1000 calorie diet they would soon begin to do damage to their bodies rather than helping themselves become healthier and fitter.

So the first step is gaugeing how active you are. You don't have to be a work-out freak need more than 1000 calories a day. If you ride your bike to work, or always take the stairs instead of the elevator, or do any kind of physical labor, the 1000 calorie diet isn't for you. If you're more housebound, or tied to a computer in your cubicle, then it may be something to look into.

Once you've determined if the 1000 calorie diet is right for you, it's time to figure out what to eat. First off, you have to eliminate dairy products from your menu. Not only are these high in fat, but they're extremely high in calories as well. A single piece of light cheddar cheese is 250 calories - or roughly 2/3s of what you'll be taking in during a typical meal. So scratch that off the list.

Also out are fattier meats like beef, pork and dark-meat chicken. Yes, these also tend to be the tastier meats, but so it goes. You should also avoid shellfish, which provide higher calories but less nutrition than scaled-fish.

And it goes without saying that you're avoiding all fried foods.

The key, then, will be to spread your 1000 calorie diet throughout three meals and a snack. Start in the morning with two hard-boiled eggs and an apple. Yes, it's boring, but wouldn't you expect it to be?

For lunch you'll want to have a lean protein, like fish (salmon is a good one) or white-meat chicken, and some greens. Avoid salad with heavy dressings; something like green beans or edamamme better fits your dietary needs.

Have a snack in the mid-afternoon. A handful of almonds and a fresh piece of fruit should do it - a banana, a peach, whatever you feel like as long as it's fresh and un-processed. Make sure that tides you over til dinner, when you'll again want to have some lean protein similar to your lunchtime meal. This is also when you can take in some carbs - preferably whole wheat pasta or some such. Make sure to measure out exact amounts, and you'll be well on your way to making the 1000 calorie diet a part of your road to healthiness!